GN-001 Gundum Exia completed!
##Beargguy Family
In progress:
Setup PPTP VPN Server on Ubuntu
Sketch 2014-12-6 Astray Red Frame
Hadoop on 64-bit Ubuntu
Finally I managed to install Hadoop and start it correctly. Although at first I plan to setup one master node and three slaves as the data nodes. At last there’s only one master node and one data node running on the same machine.
MG 172 HD Strike Rouge RM
##Strike Rouge Completed
Pictures of course!
Integer Normalization
Sometimes, we need to draw diagrams of serials of integer values, but with Y axis value from 0 to 100.
So if the actual value is too large or too small, we need to normalize it to between 0 and 100, so that to fit into the diagram better.
For example, if the actual value is 998, then we need to scale it by 0.1 and the value in diagram is 99.8.